Cleaning Service

After Renovation

After Renovation

Home renovations allow you to breathe new life into your living space, modify your home to fit your needs, or prepare your house for sale. Whatever your goals, renovations can be both exciting and stressful. Once the dust settles, literally, it is time to clean up the leftover mess. Keep reading to learn about cleaning after renovations, including post-construction cleaning services.

Your Checklist for Cleaning Post-Construction

Renovations are already stressful, but the work is not done when the construction is finished. If you’ve hired a construction crew, some cleanup may be on their to-do list. However, they are not likely to clean to your standards. If you completed a DIY project, the cleanup is all on you.

Having a checklist will make post-construction cleanup easier and more efficient. Follow the 10 steps below to ensure all post-renovation cleanup tasks are done properly:

  • Remove Large DebrisYour first step is to remove any large debris, tools, and materials left over from construction. Be sure to properly dispose of all materials and recycle as needed. This stage is called a rough clean because you are cleaning up the larger items without focusing on the detail work. This is also a great stage to call in some reinforcements for help
  • Dust Ceilings and FansOnce the large debris and leftover materials are out of the way, you can get started on the cleaning process. It is best to start at the top, dusting ceilings, fans, shelves, and cabinet tops. Starting from the top ensures any stray dust or dirt falls to the floor, so you can clean it up at a later stage
  • Clean UpholsteryDust from construction and renovation projects can quickly settle into your fabrics and furniture. Thoroughly vacuum all upholstery post-construction, using the right fabric cleaners and vacuum attachments. If you are not sure which cleaners to use, reference the manufacturer’s instructions. Also consider carpet shampooing services. Be sure to tackle couches, chairs, curtains, and fabric décor.
  • Clean Walls and BaseboardsConstruction residue can be found everywhere, even sticking to your walls and baseboard. Move all furniture away from the walls before using a microfiber cloth or duster to dry dust the baseboards and walls. From there, you can use a mixture of dishwashing liquid and warm water to wipe down the surfaces.
  • Clean Windows and WindowsillsYou can use a similar method to clean windows and windowsills. Start by dry dusting the surfaces with a duster or microfiber cloth before wiping the surfaces down with dishwashing liquid and warm water. You can even use a vacuum cleaner with the attachment to remove dirt, dust, and cobwebs before wiping the areas down.
  • Dust Every SurfacePost-construction cleaning is mainly focused on getting the dust and dirt out of the nooks and crannies of your home. This may seem like an impossible task, but it really just takes some time and focus. Be sure to move the furniture and pick up decorative items to clean up hidden pockets of dust.
  • Clean Hard-to-Reach AreasPost-renovation cleaning can involve stretching for those hard-to-reach spots. Again, moving the furniture is a necessity to clean up all the dirt left over from construction. Tools like an extended cleaning wand, duster, or vacuum attachment can make the job easier.
  • Clean Vents or GratesGrates and vents are often overlooked when it comes to post-construction cleaning. However, dust can easily settle on top of or inside vents. It is also a good idea to change your air filter after construction. Duct cleaning is also suggested if significant dust has been generated from the renovation project.
  • Clean CabinetsCabinets and closets are also often overlooked. Dirt and debris can get trapped inside during renovations, leaving an unpleasant surprise for when you get settled back in your space. Use a wet microfibre cloth and work your way from high to low cabinet spaces.
  • Clean All FlooringThe last item on your post-renovation cleaning checklist should be to clean your floors. Vacuum carpets, mop hardwood, and clean the grout of tile flooring. Even if you tarped the floors during construction, there is a good chance you dislodged dirt and debris when cleaning other areas of the space.
1 (438) 357-8277
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat-Sun: 11:00 am – 16:00 pm
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